Who, What and Why


This weblog provides information that has been prepared or endorsed by the Kent County Chapter of the Council of Canadians. Kent County is part of the 6th District of Mi’kma’ki, Sikniktuk. All of Mi’kma’ki is unceded territory.

We have been working together on environmental and social issues since 2011. We are friends and allies: as parents, grandparents, aunties, uncle, and global citizens, we work locally while thinking globally. Our shared goal is to protect the communities and the beautiful environment around us from the indiscriminate greed of natural resource extraction corporations. All aspects of this environment are crucial for survival, and are increasingly, severely, under threat.

Protecting the Water is our Strongest Point of Unity

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We are also passionate about stopping the spraying of
glyphosate-based herbicodes in the indigenous forests of our province. 

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We care about the health of our oceans, protecting our trees from clear-cutting, stopping new infrastructure investment in the fossil fuel industries,
promoting the development of renewable energies, human rights,
democracy, health care, decolonization, social justice, and much more.

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Our group was born when people in this rural area united across class and cultural differences to oppose deep shale fracking for gas here. It was a long and difficult struggle, but so far we are frack-free here in Kent County. We thank the people from Pennsylvania, Texas, and other areas who were the first line of Getting-Fracked for all their warnings and support, which helped us protect ourselves. Through unity we are strong. As the Mi’kmaq say, M’sit No’kmaq. We are all family.

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 To get in contact with us directly, please email us at coc.kent.county.nb@gmail.com

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